Types of Aircon issues and how to overcome them?
The Air Conditioner is most prominent on hot days in Singapore. If your aircon runs overtime without maintenance more major issues may occur. Once the problems begin to happen, you will not be able to enjoy the cooling experience of your air conditioner. Here we guide...
Why does my aircon have a noisy problem?
Aside from other common aircon problems, having a noisy air conditioner is one of the biggest issues you may experience as an aircon owner. And, if your aircon is making noise, you should try to figure out why it is making noise constantly. Any Aircon noises that are...
Mitsubishi aircon error code details and solution
Mitsubishi Air Conditioning error codes: Error code Description P1 Intake sensor error P2 P9 Pipe (Liquid or 2-phase pipe) sensor error E6 E7 Indoor/outdoor unit communication error P4 Drain sensor error p5 Drain pump error PA Forced compressor error p6...
how to maintain aircon when rainy season
4 ways that to guard Your cooling system throughout Monsoons As your Chandler air-con repair specialist, we’ve many recommendations to assist keep your cooling system safe throughout the...